Power cut information for LE1 1SH
We are not currently aware of a power cut incident affecting your postcode area.
However, your postcode is scheduled to be affected by a planned power cut
However, your postcode was scheduled to be affected by a planned power cut that has since been cancelled - it was due to happen
However, your postcode is scheduled to be affected by a planned power cut on
However, your postcode was scheduled to be affected by a planned power cut that has since been cancelled - it was due to happen on
If you are currently experiencing a power cut in LE1 1SH, please check your trip switches by turning them off and back on again as this could restore your power for you.
For any updates, please bookmark or revisit this page and we will keep you updated with any power cut information affecting LE1 1SH.
If you are currently experiencing an outage in this postcode area please report it to us.
If you are unsure on how to check your trip switch, please watch this video or alternatively, please contact us and our advisors can guide you through it.
If this has not resolved the issue, please contact us.
Recent unplanned power cuts affecting LE1 1SH
(faults lasting longer than 3 minutes and occurring within the last 6 months)
No recent incidents found
No recent incidents found